Relaxing massage
How about including the ultimate pampering during your break at the Moulin de Varrians with a relaxing massage ?
Laurence from L’O L’Art du Bien-être will be happy to tailor with you the massage that you need on the day to ensure you have a thoroughly relaxing time. All you need to do is advise that you will enquire a massage when you have booking a room with us and Laurence will come to you.
With its different expert techniques, this wellness massage is a real treat ! It will ensure to iron out the stress and tension and will encourage the body’s natural vitality.
Is this what you are looking for ? Then contact us on +33 6 86 81 02 93 to book your relaxing treatment.
Prices :
Massage for 1 person : 65 euros / hour, 90 euros for one hour an half
Massages for 2 persons : 130 euros / hour (2 masseurs)
Please note that the services proposed are not a substitute from physiotherapy care and have no erotic aims.